torsdag den 18. april 2013

Sugar glidere - lifespan!!

Having a Sugar glider is not comparable with having a rat, a hamster, rabbit etc.You will have to realize that this omnivorous gliding possum has a LONG lifespan. In captivity up to 17 years old. 

Therefor this is not a animal you can buy for your kids and expect to have passed away in 2-5 years.  This is a investment in a great highly sociable, active animal. The animal will bond with their owners, they are playful, quirious and just fun to watch. Sugar gliders are great pets!!!! But this is a investment similar to a cat or dog - they have similar lifespan and their diet will cost you at least the same amount you use on you dog or cat and they probably need to see a vet a some point !!

When you decide on purchasing a Sugar glider - make sure you have the room, time, finance and knowledge AND make sure that you are actually intending to have the animal within that possible lifespan of up to15-17 years old (in general 12).

During the day they will sleep. During the sleep-hours you can walk around with them in a pocket, pouch while they are sleeping. 

My sugar gliders will get up around 7 pm right now but in a few months that will be around 9-11 pm. It changes according to the light. 

This means I am home when hey are up and they are alone at home when they are sleeping. This is great for me because it means a lot less feeling gulity for not being there when they are awake or feeling guilty for not walking "the dog enough."

Sugar gliders are just a great match for me.

Make sure they are a great match for you too - BEFORE you purchase them. Just think about how you feel when somebody writes online that they have to get rid of their dog or cat because of lack of space, time or finances after having had the dog for only a few years or even just 1.5 years. Sugar gliders have the same lifespan as some cats and dogs - Remember this before you purchase a sugar glider to avoid any changed minds etc. which will send the glider into a rollar-coaster of moving between homes when you were the one who was suppose to take care of the cute little fuzzy thing :)

Have a great day everybody - So far the sky is blue in Copenhagen which means we might have a day of sunshine (one in the 10 days we get a year) :)


onsdag den 10. april 2013

Bml-diet / Bml-blanding - the one type of bml which I use


  • 40 ml. of homemade applejuice.   /  Danish: 40 ml. æblejuice - hjemmepresset!
    • I blend the apples and drain the juice. Jeg blender frugten og lægger det i en si over en skål og lader juices dryppe af.
  • 40 ml. of homemade orangejuice. / Danish: 40 ml. blandet juice - hjemmepresset! / 
  • Babyfood with chicken on glass without onions and without garlic or spices or anything like that. / Danish: 60-75 ml. babymad med kylling på glas - UDEN løg og hvidløg!/  
  • 60 ml. of natural yoghurt. / Danish: 60 ml. yoghurt -naturel 
  • 1. dl. of honey (not raw unfiltrated)/Danish: 1 dl. Honning. (ikke rå og ufiltreret honning).   
  • 1. hardboiled egg without shell  / Danish: 1 hårdkogt æg uden skal. 
  • 1-2 tablespoons of boiled chicken Danish: 1-2 spsk. blendet kogt kylling. 
  • 25 ml. of Wheat bran / Danish:  25 ml. Hvedeklid
  • 1. dl. of Oatmeal   Danish: 1 dl. Havregryn
  • 2. teaspoons of vitamin / Danish: 2 teskefulde vitaminpulver uden phosphorat. 
    • I don't put calcium in the mixture because my Sugar gliders won't touch it then. I put in on my mealworms instead. Danish: Jeg putter ikke kalk i bml-blandingen men putter det på melormene i stedet, da mine Sugar gliders ikke vil spise blandingen, hvis der er kalk i).

tirsdag den 2. april 2013

Farming my own mealworms

I have decided to try to farm mealworms on my own to create a steady supply. This was recommended by a fellow Sugar Glider owner and I will definitely try my best. Let's see how it goes.

If you have any advice on the matter, please let me know. At the moment I have beatles crawling in oatmeal and I give them half a potato every other day to provide moisture.

But one of by boxes has mold in the oatmeal. This means I have to empty the box, wash it and put in some new oatmeal. Any advice on how to avoid it. This is the second time I am changing the oatmeal. Can too many beatles in too little space creature a too moist environment or too good growingconditions for mold - or is it only if the potatoes or apples accidentally have contact with the oatmeal?

Er igang med at dyrke mine egne melorme. Det bliver spændende at se hvordan det går. Hvis I har nogle gode råd til "dyrkningen" så smid endelig en kommentar :)